Thursday, 30 January 2025

Hey Stendhal, ...

In a bout of inspiration a new layered shot idea came to me. Having a fresh bottle of Campari the mandatory thought train left the station towards the colorful country of the respective list of cocktails - only the ones I can currently make, of course.

So with a bottle of Mr. Black around the next thing I was: both sweet and with similar ABVs, so can they layer?

As you can see, the answer is: sort of.

Hence, let me present to you:

The Stendhal's Regret


The recipe is very simple: in a shot glass (preferably cooled upfront) pour the same quantities (0.5 oz here) of the coffee liqueur, and then carefully layer the Campari with a spoon on top of it. Since both liqueurs have densities not too far apart the split can't be too prominent. At least not for long.

In the taste department, the resulting shot has a moderate complexity and the balance is (as expected) towards the sweet side. And that is regarding the fact that as a cold brew coffee liqueur Mr. Black is one of the less sweet ones in the family. The bitterness of the Campari is somewhat mellowed down, and the coffee doesn't add up to it.

Overall a nice shot, and I'd give it another try (or two). If a score is mandatory here I'd give it 3.5/5.


Friday, 18 October 2024

Current silliness

Now for something extremely silly ...

I stumbled upon one of my earliest posts about (old) Linux distros from the beginning of my journey and the alias command. And since the overall the cringe level didn't decrease much for all those years, let's see a tiny glimpse at the current situation:

  • Current distribution in use: ... nah! It's not Arch. It's Linux Mint - just everything I need (and much more) out of the box without having to put too much fight with the configuring it. I know it's generally bad  for the Learning but let's say my focus is elsewhere and digging into the OS internals is limited to when-it-is-needed instead of to just-for-fun. I'm curious a bit about Void Linux right now but not sure when I'll have the opportunity to explore it.
  • The said aliases: when it's not a matter of necessity it becomes a matter of plain silliness. Like they're just a few and mostly don't contribute much to compacting the operations in any way.



Thursday, 11 April 2024

Промени ... (Растеж???)

Понеже имам два други блога в тази платформа и не бяха докосвани (както и този) от години, дойде време за някои промени. Другите два блога получиха по-целенасочена перспектива за развитие и това по естествен начин налои и да бъдат преименувани. Т.е. 

  • NBIde стана PolyStack - блогът вече не е предназначен само за NetBeans IDE-то, но и за програмни езици, инструменти, среди и като цяло за модерните начини за разработка на софтуер.
  • WildRaspy стана EmbeddedAngle - блогът вече не е предназначен само за Raspberry Pi, но и за новостите в Embedded и IoT света.

Знам, че в зората на големият бум на AI, когато сме в очакване то да измести значителна част от програмистите хвърлянето в една такава посока звучи като напразно и обречено усилие, но това само бъдещето може да покаже.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Fuzzy Iguana coctail

Because it came from the spur of the moment it will be short.

Fill the collins glass at least half-way with ice.
2 parts of dark rum (Bacardi Black);
1 part amaretto (Disaronno);
3 parts Lychee juice

Stir well and garnish with a lychee ...

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Weird controvercy on the tongue

Take a shot glass. 

Pour half part sambuca (I have Luxardo, I guess it's fine). Now you have a component with strong anise taste and a sweet bite as a whole.

Try to layer on top half part of Campari. For some reason (close densities maybe) they don't form a firm border and intermix kind of beautifully. Here you have a bitter punch.

The final taste is very confusing and the sweet and bitter don't really cancel out each other. The after-taste still haunts me, therefore I named it: Follia Italiana or Italian Madness. The only shooter that has puzzled me more so far was the Cement Mixer.


Friday, 12 September 2014

The Gotham Justice cocktail

Take the Batman cocktail and do it the (alcoholic) justice it deserves. With a little hint to the Atomic Cat cocktail. That is the reason I'm calling it Gotham Justice. If it existed before me, please enlighten me in the comments.
  • Fill the Collins glass half-way with ice. 
  • Pour one part Cointreau over it. 
  • Add three parts orange juice (OJ).
  • A dash of blood orange juice is perfectly applicable. Grenadine is even more applicable, but just punch it over, like if Batman punched a villain and a little drop of blood spilled into the drink (evil grin goes here).
  • Fill up with tonic
  • You may float a maraschino cherry or two in it.
Gotham Justice - a free adaptation of Batman and Atomic Cat cocktails
with the righteous addition of the might of Cointreau.

Justice have been served.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Monday Morning shot

A single shot for the early, dreaded Monday ... and it must be involved with coffee. No. It must revolve entirely around coffee. Especially on Monday. Right?

Is it doable? Partially.
  • Get a shot glass.
  • Put 1/4 part (1/4 liquid ounce or around 7 ml) coffee liqueur in it.
  • Layer 1/4 part of triple sec on top.
  • Here comes the tricky part - (try to) layer one shot of espresso on top.

Some remarks:
  • Any triple sec would do, but Cointreau is the best option for me - makes a consistent layer, and except beauty adds very rich aroma and a little bite to the taste.
  • The coffee machines are usually calibrated to produce one and a half liquid ounce (around 45 ml). It might be used all, or it might be reduced to an ounce - a completely personal preference.
  • The last step didn't work out for me. And the coffee broke my perfectly fitted layers into a common delicious mix - yet delicious, but still a mix. I blame it to the coffee's higher temperature, but I might be wrong. I'm not sure if it's even possible to add coffee to an alcoholic shot as a distinct layer. May be I'll make another try with espresso tempered at the level of the liqueurs.
No pictures here available, because  I don't feel the visual disappointment have to be depicted. There is a pleasure of course, but it's entirely at the side of the tongue.

One last thing - it cools down pretty fast, so sipping it is not necessary. More over it seems to taste better taken as a shot, than taken sip by sip. And if you prefer to drink your coffee hot, just pour some drops of triple sec to the fresh espresso. In the case of Cointreau, you might want to stick your nose above the cup, and breathe it all.